Stephanie Fuller, Ph.D. serves as USD-GPEP Training Director for LCBHS. She is a clinical psychologist who works as a consultant for South Dakota Social Security Disability Determination Services. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota (USD) where she has been teaching and supervising psychiatry residents in psychotherapy for over 20 years. She was formerly the Director of the Psychological Services Center, a part of the USD clinical training program in the psychology department at USD. She has served over 20 years as a clinical supervisor for the USD clinical psychology graduate training program in various positions and has supervised at a variety of graduate student clinical placement sites in South Dakota over the years including Urban Indian Health, Heartland Counseling and Community Behavioral Health, and the South Dakota Human Services Center, which is the South Dakota state psychiatric hospital. She has a wealth of experience in training issues and working with underserved populations. She grew up in Nebraska and South Dakota and obtained her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of North Dakota. She currently works in eastern SD and is a clinical placement supervisor at the USD Student Counseling Center in Vermillion.

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